Nitrogen and Neon

Welcome to the Nitrogen and Neon Blog. The official Blog of Richard Loffman, a British Musician and former film-maker, currently living in Yokohama, Japan.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Socratic Process

I've never been one to make 'life mission' statements. I used to read a blog written by an old co-worker and he was constantly making statements and declarations about his life and his goals. I always thought that it was so laughable to do this as so much of what we do is transient and ever evolving. So it may seem like a strange thing for me do, but I'm going to make a few basic statements.
  1. I will no longer try to make music videos for Bands or Artists other than my own band (MJ Ultra) or close friends of. Let's just say that I have got my fingers well and truly burnt and I won't be doing that again.
  2. MJ Ultra will become my key focus of 2008. Music and video wise that is. Everything else I choose to do will be a bonus and will depend greatly on the amount of time I have.
  3. I love doing live video installation work. I find it immensely satisfying and I will be trying to find avenues that I can pursue this with. Narrative film making is constrictive and time consuming and so I will be doing a lot less of it.
So there you go, 3 simple truths. It's taken me a lot of soul searching and hard thinking, but these are the things that I have decided on. I need to focus my creative talents in a clear direction. I am not ruling out the possibility of making more short films or music videos, or even a feature film one day, but for now its all about my band, my friends, my family and my job (in no particular order).

At the end of the day it's all about having a clear idea about where you want to go and then asking the right kind of questions along the way.

So next time MJ Ultra play live expect to see images, like the one below, playing on screens in and around the stage. This image is from part of my new b/w bubble series.


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