Nitrogen and Neon

Welcome to the Nitrogen and Neon Blog. The official Blog of Richard Loffman, a British Musician and former film-maker, currently living in Yokohama, Japan.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Inside Neon and no more YouTube

Well, it's been quite a long time since I wrote this blog. I really have had a lot of things on hold over the first few months of this year.

After I left MJ Ultra I decided to see if I could could get a band together. Not as easy as I thought, I can tell you. But after looking around and talking with a few people I have finally found the 3 members I need and we can now start rehearsing. In the meantime I have written a few songs that I am hoping my new band members are learning. I can honestly say that Inside Neon is up and running.

I wrote ten songs and put together a rough demo using Audacity (a great little home recording program). I won't go into the details of each song but I will give you the titles. They are: Rains to come, The Seventies, Jezebel, Escape, Sacred, An angel in my life, nineteen45, Seconds, Dog gods and On the left/California. I will be getting together with the rest of Inside Neon over the next few weeks to flesh these songs out into songs that will be good enough to play live. All things being equal we should be playing live by the Autumn.

As mention in the title of this post I have finished with YouTube. I am sick of the little scum bags that patrol its pages and the abuse they seem to arbitrarily dish out to anyone and everyone. I still have my Dailymotion account and that should do me fine. Bye bye YouTube.

In celebration of this momentous occasion I have put the music video I directed and edited for Japan Indie rockers Molice into the side panel - live streamed from Dailymotion. Click on the video to play.