You have to know the answer to this question! If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?
Well everyone, with summer in full swing it's a good moment to look ahead to what's going to happening with TPJ over the next few months into Autumn and then into Winter.
* I have decided to upgrade all my equipment by the end of this year. This will mean I will be 'going Mac' so that I can use Final Cut Pro to edit and buying a new camera, probably a Sony.
* I hope TPJ will continue to grow as a communications company. Tribal English Garden will provide an extra source of revenue for my filmmaking and broaden my company's communications and media base. Sign up for
English lessons today!
* I will be interviewed by a budding writer/journalist Marcus McLelland over the next few weeks. This interview will be published on this site. So look out for that.
* I will release GIRL ALONE and TENGU in September. GIRL ALONE is just missing the music score, which I will
try to get done soon. TENGU will be a much easier task to finish and I've decided that I will enter TENGU to
Design Festa this December.
* My next project (from Oct/Nov) will be called BLOODTYPE. It will be a short film about a man's obsession and kidnapping of a young woman set against a conversation on the nature of
Finally, on a personal note,
I'd like to thank all the visitors to this site. Without you I would have had no reason to write for the last 9 months. So I would love to hear from more of you, my family, my students, my friends. Drop me a line. Thanks.