Well, it's the eve of the big shoot and I'm getting my head ready for 22 hours (or so) of shooting over the weekend. Tonight
was going to be a final rehearsal but
Terumi has a cold and
Yuuri another commitment so I just decided to go ahead and cancel tonight's session.
I used the time instead to finish off my shot lists - in McDonalds, which you may remember I said I would never set foot in again after watching 'Super Size Me', but what the hell, Big Macs are f***in cheap.
Anyway, I whittled down the shots to about 132. This I reckon will give me about 12 to 15 minutes of film. Just about what I'm aiming at. But of course during the shoot I'm sure shots and new ideas will pop up.
There was one setback this week in that
Lisa, the AD, couldn't get the time off from work as she had hoped. It's a shame but she will be there on Sunday to help out when I'm acting (and I use the term lightly).
8:30am start. Looking forward to it!